Express-Delivery of Cars to Russia - 17 Working Days

We are glad to announce that Bizupon has expanded the list of services and introduced the express delivery in 17 working days before loading on the ship.

The list of ships offered by shipping companies for shipment for our vehicles is expanding exponentially. From the standard Toku Haru, Fuku Haru, Red Saker, etc. the new Frio Hellenic ship has been also added, and ready to accommodate 600 cars in one flight!

This is especially relevant now, on the eve of the New Year, when everyone is waiting for the gifts and for the New Year's miracle.

And we are happy to give the same for you and your customers!

All details about express delivery service you can find in your personal account or you can ask questions regarding your enquiry on these WhatsApp / Viber numbers

+81 80-7505-1919 Anna

+81 80-2956-1568 Ludmila

+81 90-2638-9090 Elena